In recognition of your commitment to the XXII Olympic Winter Games, Sochi 2014

Tomas Bach IOC President

We won the tender for the creation of a digital strategy for the Pre-Games period. It was a challenge for our agency, as there were very large agencies competing with us in the tender. We worked on the tender proposal, not sparing any effort, and this is why we were able to define some unique strategic initiatives, which were subsequently implemented in conjunction with the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee.
And in the space of a year we created the digital strategy for Games period. A huge amount of work went into this: interviews, research, consulting with IOC experts and the Vancouver 2010 team, and more. Sometimes we didn’t sleep at night, didn’t eat and didn’t see anyone other than our colleagues, but we always maintained our enthusiasm and dedication for doing the work that formed the basis of the digital solutions for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Another project I took part in was the creation of elements of the corporate identity of the Games. The brand element (the famous ornament composed of triangles) and logo were used in the creation of countless style solutions: from trinkets to design elements for city facilities.
And how fabulous it was to then be there, at the Olympic Games themselves. To see how the city had changed, to walk in the Olympic Park, enjoy the sun and sea, go to a competition and root for our athletes. And what extraordinary stadiums were built for the Games! Hockey at the Bolshoi, Ice Curling in the Ice Cube, figure skating in the Iceberg, skating in the Adler Arena — it was fascinating to see it all! I even had the opportunity to take a trip into the city for some of the Festival events taking place at the Winter Theater.
It was very easy to navigate the city and the territory of the sports facilities thanks to the navigation system designed by our agency.
We worked with the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee not only as site developers, we became a genuine big digital team and put in monumental effort, which we are very proud of.
In recognition of your commitment to the XXII Olympic Winter Games, Sochi 2014
Tomas Bach IOC President